What is the Best Way to Clean Marble?

What is the Best Way to Clean Marble? Marble surfaces should always look sparkly and clean, but it is very difficult. Especially the marbles in the bathrooms can be stained immediately even in daily use. It is also one of the most difficult areas to clean. Marble floors, which are a great investment, [...]

2021-09-18T07:49:36+00:00September 18th, 2021|Marble Cleaning, Yacht Interior Cleaning|0 Comments

Marble Cleaning for Yachts

Natural stone is ideal for the decoration of your yachts. Natural stone has a luxurious and modern look that can be enjoyed by every yacht owner and guest but every natural stone needs a cleaning and maintenance. Marble or granite stones may fade and become dull over time. These natural stones lose their shine [...]

2021-07-24T10:07:34+00:00August 7th, 2021|Yacht, Yacht Interior Cleaning|0 Comments
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